Sunday, September 11, 2016

End of September

     The sun had gone down at least an hour before and walking along the side of the road was both creepy and serene. After being on the worst date of my life, some serial killer jumping out of the woods at me really wouldn't be much of a surprise. After all, I really wasn't expecting the cute guy from the auto parts store to be such a weirdo. How weird, you might ask? Well, at the very end of the night, I jumped out of his truck while he was sitting at the last stop sign closest to my dad's campsite so he wouldn't know where I actually am. Well, the dating life didn't last long.
     The gravel under my flip flops crunches with each step. Passing under a street light, I look down at my outfit. Destroyed jeans cuffed into capris and my favorite old t-shirt with a Corona logo on the front, stretched and hanging off one shoulder. I'd spent so much time applying and touching up my makeup that I didn't have time to worry about my hair or outfit. I run a hand through my hair, my thick blonde waves stretching down my back, and give it a flip, exposing my bare shoulder. Up ahead, I can start to see lights and hear music, indicating I'm getting close to the campground. I debate whether or not to put in my headphones and play some music to take away some of the creepiness of walking along the tree line in the dark. Before I can come up with a solution, I hear a golf cart coming closer and realize I'm near one of the lanes up to camp sites. I slow down, unsure where the lane will meet the road and before long, a golf cart appears with another one close behind it. No doubt it's probably a family on their way over to the recreational area, where something is always happening on Saturday nights. Their lights nearly blind me as I come to a stop and wait for them to cross the road. I recognize one of the voices and then I'm thankful it's dark out so no one will see me blush. I partially hope it's dark enough that he doesn't recognize who I am so I have less chance of being so nervous I stutter sound like an idiot. Of course I don't take into account how weird it must be that a girl is walking along the road after dark until the whole family looks at me strange. His mom, sitting on the first cart with his dad, is the first to speak.
     "Honey, are you okay? You shouldn't be walking after dark by yourself." Her concern is so genuine.
     "I'm okay, thanks for asking, I'm actually almost to my dad's site."
     I try to disguise my voice so he doesn't know it's me but as soon as I speak, I see his head turn. However, his dad speaks first.
     "You're John's girl, aren't you? He's probably over at the cornhole tournament, which is where we're heading. Would you like a ride?"
     "I really appreciate the offer but I think I'm just going to walk. It's such a nice night out."
     I wait for them to take off and leave me behind. His mom and dad both glance back toward him and he nods. Something tells me they aren't just going to let me go. He turns around and faces the front of the golf cart he's riding in. I brace myself for his voice and get myself ready to sound somewhat intelligent when I'm expected to reply.
     "So why are you out here on this side of the sites so late, anyway?"
     "Oh... well... it's kind of a long story."
     He jumps off the back of his brother's cart and walks over to me. In the moonlight, I can make out his striking facial features, the ones that made me head over heels at the first sight of him.
     "You guys go ahead," he says to his family and then turns back to me, "I'll walk with you and you can tell me this long story. I'm curious."
     His dad gives me a wave and then they cross the road over to the cart path that leads to the courts where the tournament is being held under bright lights and thick tension. I wave back as they're too far away to be seen in the dark. I cross the road after them, deciding the cart path would be safer than the road. A few steps later, it all begins.
     "So, you just take eerie walks for exercise?" he asks.
     "Well... not quite. I'm actually just back from one of the worst date of my life. And, trust me, that's saying something."
     He nods his head, considering my words. Lights from a nearby site illuminate us and I can feel the redness creeping into my cheeks as he looks down at me. I tell myself not to look at him because I always have the worst time making myself look away because he's just so gorgeous. Nearby, some kids are trying to catch lightning bugs in mason jars.
     "How bad was it?" he asks, "The date, that is."
     "Oh... it was... something. Let me just say, though, it ended with him stopping at a stop sign and me jumping out of his truck and walking the rest of the way so he wouldn't know where to find me in the future."
     "It couldn't have been that bad. I mean, you thought he was okay enough to go out with in the first place, right?"
     "Well, I agreed because he was so nice when I went into Auto Zone to get my car battery tested. He filled me in on how to take care of my battery and common things people do that hurt their batteries. I thought he was smart and sweet. Little did I know it's because no female creatures ever talk to him on purpose. Ever. Which is why he wanted to get married and name our first daughter after his mother."
      "Whoa what? Are you serious?" Luke laughs.
     "I couldn't make this up if I tried."
     "Wait, so where did you go? Were you like sitting in a booth, eating dinner, and he just springs all that on you?"
     "Not even. We went to some night swim at one of the local pools in the area. I'll be honest, it was kind of nice and relaxing at first. We got to watch the sunset and we were just floating on inner tubes, half in the water and half out. The conversation was light, mostly just an unspoken game of twenty questions. It was a really great date at first. I was starting to think maybe dating wasn't such a bad thing. But then the sun had set and we were floating in the dark with just the lights from the pool and snack bar. I guess that's when he turned into a freak and started to talk about me and getting serious."
     By now, the cheers from the cornhole tournament sound close and I know we're almost there. I don't want this walk to end. For two years, I've had the biggest crush on Luke but I only ever get to see him over the summers when the campground is open. Even then, I have to struggle through the work week, counting down the minutes until the weekend until I can head up to the campground just to ride around in the golf cart, hoping to casually bump into him.
     "So... What happened with you and Wes? Last I heard, you two were engaged and waiting to get married. Now all the sudden you're going out on dates with lonely mechanics?"
     I look down at my feet and take a deep breath. I've explained the cover story to anyone who ever asked. It's been three months and the only time I've ever told the truth is when I wrote it in my journal as it happened. It's just that I never wanted anyone to know what actually happened because I didn't want people to hate Wes. While I could one day forgive him and potentially rekindle our relationship, my friends and family wouldn't be so quick to forget. I've just been sticking to the story that we mutually need to take some time apart to work on ourselves and see where life leads us. I don't know what Wes has been telling people but I advised him what I would be saying. He said I didn't have to lie and cover for him. Well, at the time, my love was still burning strong for him and I'd held his best interest near and dear to my heart. Now, though, that fire has long since gone out and I'm angry. Bitter and angry, to be more specific.