Sunday, November 13, 2011

Writers Block on 'Roids

     First things first, it's time for me to make a confession. I'm not catholic and you're not a priest so judging is totes okay. I won't judge you for judging me.
Ever heard of NaNoWriMo? Let me break it down for ya.

National Novel Writing Month.
Also Known As: November.

The website( refers to it as "30 days of literary abandon." Say whaaaa? Basically, it's 30 days for you to write and write and try to get your words published into--not FIFTY, not a THOUSAND, but FIVE. FIVE copies. Yeah. Carpal tunnel, writer's block, migraines, Excedrine, Chocolate, tissues, tears, and scandalous secrets hidden in a fictitious closet...all for FIVE copies of 50,000 words you threw together in 30 days.

And I'm participating.
JK I'm failing.

Day 13.
Words I should have: 21,671
Words I actually have: 6,325

     I've had the document open for the past hour. In my defense, I started at five thousand, eight hundred and some about an hour and a half ago.
My story is a super been-there which is why it was born - I've been there.

"Jenna loves Jacob and is just waiting on him to ask to be official. When he doesn't, she moves on, believing that he is truly uninterested. The start of their senior year at school lands her in zero classes with Jacob...and in math class with Mr. New Guy. All she did was change her seat for a day and she stumbled upon the rugged, handsomeness that is Clark Renig. Instant butterflies. Eeeep he likes her, too! PERFECT! Until Jacob decides he's ready to be official.And Jenna finds that feelings for him haven't totally fizzled out. And she doesn't want to let Clark go. What does she do? Who does she pick? Easy. Both. The secret is easy to keep. She lies better than a rug and can keep a straight face no matter what. Sure, she feels bad about lying all the time but both of her guys are happy and so is she. What's the harm? Everybody wins. So when she's pregnant, there shouldn't be a problem, right? The guy she was sexually active with is the dad. Simple. Right? WRONG! She doesn't know which boy fathered the baby. While her infidelity is a problem, she'll bow down and pray for forgiveness AFTER she begs God for mercy and a plan.
How do you tell your boyfriends that your pregnant and you don't know which boy the baby belongs to?"

     In the end, she tells them both and has a miscarriage shortly after. Neither of the guys will take her back because she screwed them over so badly and she's stuck by herself with a best friend picking up the shattered pieces of a triple-broken heart. Before you feel all bad for her, remember: she totally deserved it. Little tramp!

Anyways, I'm failing.
Hello Writer's Block.
And goodbye blog world.
I have a blinking cursor to go stare at.