One of my first entries in here was about NaNoWriMo. If that sounds really awkward to you, check out the other entry to clear things up and then report back here.
All clear? Okay, well the Wonderful People of NaNoWriMo started something new this year. Rather than just one month out of the year to write as much as possible *cough, cough - fifty thousand words -cough, cough* they have opened up to June and August as well! EXCITEMENT! Last time, I failed miserably and I couldn't even reach the sorry amount of twenty-five thousand words required for my Writing Workshop class at school. My ending word count?
Sad Face: 16, 527 (or something like that)
If I had a wine glass, I'd throw it in the air and toast to two more tries at reaching 50,000
Let's be honest here, it's summer. I just got a job as a K-Wench at K-Mart, I'm no longer single, and there's no drama to feed my creative writing appetite. How the heck am I going to do this? Well, let's hope June and August are very dramatic months for my Ko-Workers. Just call me MissConfidant!
But seriously, readers, this AdventureWoman isn't so sure she can do it. Wanna leave me some luck in my inbox? Maybe a four-leaf clover I can download? I'll sure need it. Hmmm...maybe I should super-glue a horseshoe on the lid of my laptop. Or maybe I'll get lucky and my classmates are correct about the 'Zombie-Apocolypse' taking the US by storm, originating in Miami. My, my, I'll miss my classmates and their overactive imaginations.
If you enjoy writing, you should check out the site ---> I love it (when I'm not failing miserably with it) and I bet I'll love it more if I actually complete my challenge. For those of you that give it a whirl, check out my NaNoWriMo entry from November for a little bit of 'What-Not-To-Do' gold and I wish you all the luck my German background can offer.
Oh -- And don't get your face eaten off by nude, Bath-Salt-Ridden Zombies